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By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
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A multilevel course progression that gives students comprehensive coverage of written English language.
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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Kow: Arday hada ku jira dugsiga dhexe ama dugsiga sare oo qorsheystay inuu jaamacad aado. Jaamacadaha Xamar badankood Ingiriiska ayaa lugu qaataa casharada, sidaas daraadeed intaadan bilaabin jaamacada sii dhis luuqadaada.
Labo: Arday jaamacad hada dhigta, sanadkuu rabo ha ahaadee, rabana inuu shaqo ka helo meel ay qasab tahay inuu si faseex ah luuqda Ingriiska ugu hadlo una qoro.
Sedex: Qof jaamacad ka qalin jibiyey oo dareensan luuqadiisa ineysan dhisneen rabanna inuu horumar gaaro.
Afar: Nin dhalinyaro ah oo raba inuu macalin Ingiriiska ah ka noqdo xamar, rabanna dakhli $500-1000 bishii iney soo gasho.
Shan: Nin ganacsada ah oo raba in ummada ajaanibka uu fahmo waxna la qabsado
Koorsooyinkan waxaa loogu talagalay inay luuqdaada ka soo qaadaan bilow kuna geeyaan heer aad haweysatid jaamacad reer galbeed. Qaabka koorsooyinka loo diyaariyey waa qaab loogu talagalay inaad muddo 8 bil gudaheed ah aad ku qalin jibisid, isla markaana si kalsooni leh aad ugu hadasho luuqda.
Hariwaa Institute has been providing comprehensive English courses to native Somali speakers since 2004. Students will have the benefit of receiving instructions in Somali. The courses are designed and structured in a simple hands on installments where students can progress from entry level to mastery in less than eight months. The courses are also designed in way that allows busy adults, who may not have the time to attend traditional ESL or English classes, to study and progress at their own pace.
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